Category Archives: CA Farm To Fork website

USDA to purchase surplus cheese for food banks and needy families

cheese office of farm to fork

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has announced plans to purchase approximately 11 million pounds of cheese from private inventories to assist food banks and pantries across the nation, while reducing a cheese surplus that is at its highest level in 30 years. The purchase, valued at $20 million, will be provided to families in need across the country through USDA nutrition assistance programs, while assisting the stalled marketplace for dairy producers whose revenues have dropped 35 percent over the past two years.

“We understand that the nation’s dairy producers are experiencing challenges due to market conditions and that food banks continue to see strong demand for assistance,” said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. “This commodity purchase is part of a robust, comprehensive safety net that will help reduce a cheese surplus that is at a 30-year high while, at the same time, moving a high-protein food to the tables of those most in need. USDA will continue to look for ways within its authorities to tackle food insecurity and provide for added stability in the marketplace.”

USDA received requests from Congress, the National Farmers Union, the American Farm Bureau and the National Milk Producers Federation to make an immediate dairy purchase. Section 32 of the Agriculture Act of 1935 authorizes USDA to utilize fiscal year 2016 funds to purchase surplus food to benefit food banks and families in need through its nutrition assistance programs.

USDA also announced that it will extend the deadline for dairy producers to enroll in the Margin Protection Program (MPP) for Dairy to Dec. 16, 2016, from the previous deadline of Sept. 30. This voluntary dairy safety net program, established by the 2014 Farm Bill, provides financial assistance to participating dairy producers when the margin – the difference between the price of milk and feed costs – falls below the coverage level selected by the producer. A USDA web tool, available, allows dairy producers to calculate levels of coverage available from MPP based on price projections.

On Aug. 4, USDA announced approximately $11.2 million in financial assistance to U.S. dairy producers enrolled in MPP-Dairy, the largest payment since the program began in 2014.

While USDA projects dairy prices to increase throughout the rest of the year, many factors including low world market prices, increased milk supplies and inventories, and slower demand have contributed to the sluggish marketplace for dairy producers.

USDA will continue to monitor market conditions in the coming months and evaluate additional actions, if necessary, later this fall.

Link to full news release

Salinas Ag training program shares in USDA grant for new farmers and ranchers

Children exploring fields and crops

The USDA has announced a new investment of $17.8 million for 37 projects to help educate, mentor, and enhance the sustainability of the next generation of farmers, including $600,000 for the Agriculture and Land-Based Training Association, or ALBA, in Salinas. ALBA generates opportunities for farm workers and limited-resource, aspiring farmers to grow and sell crops from two organic farms in Monterey County. CDFA produced a video about ALBA as part of its award-winning Growing California series.

The USDA investment is made through the agency’s Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program (BFRDP). Since 2009, USDA has invested more than $126 million into projects targeting new and beginning farmers and ranchers through BFRDP.

With the average age of the American farmer exceeding 58 years, the USDA (and CDFA) recognizes the need to bring more people into agriculture. Over the course of the Obama Administration, USDA has engaged its resources to provide greater support to the farmers of the future by improving access to land and capital; building new markets and market opportunities; extending new conservation opportunities; offering appropriate risk management tools; and increasing outreach, education, and technical support.

***Cross-post from Planting Seeds blog***

Mixer Helps Contra Costa Schools Put Local Farmers’ Produce on the Menu

Farmers and food service directors

Farmers and food service directors exchanging contact information.

Many school districts are interested in purchasing more local fruits and vegetables but lack the needed connections to make these changes. This past July the Bay Area nonprofit Fresh Approach brought together farmers and food service directors from eight districts in Contra Costa County for a face to face meeting to build relationships and facilitate purchases from local farms for school meals.

Buttercup Farms in Clayton, First Generation Farmers in Brentwood, Cipponeri Family Farms in Turlock, Swank Farms in Hollister, and a produce distributor from Davi’s Produce, attended the event and provided a little background on what they grow and the logistics of working with their businesses. Food service directors were able to ask specific questions regarding pricing, delivery, and availability.

Attendees took time in the morning for a tour of Pittsburg Unified School District’s new warehouse which will act as a food hub for the other districts. The space will allow for larger fresh produce purchases that can then be distributed to the other Contra Costa County school districts. The group’s collective purchasing is supported through a USDA Local Food Promotion Program Grant with guidance from the CDFA Office of Farm to Fork and the Center for Ecoliteracy. In addition to discussing regular purchases, farmers and school food service directors discussed the possibility of last minute menu changes based on crop availability.

The meeting allowed for farmers and school districts to discuss their respective challenges as well as areas for collaboration down the road. Both farmers and food service directors left with contact information and plans for fall fruit and vegetable purchases.

Celebrating the Fruits of Farmers Markets During National Farmers Market Week

Statistics and facts of farmer markets

Farmers Markets: Building Businesses & Helping Communities highlights results from the 2015 Farmers Market Managers Survey. The full report of the data will be released later this year.

Posted by Elanor Starmer, Agricultural Marketing Service Administrator

National Farmers Market Week is the perfect time to reflect on the evolution we’ve witnessed in our nation’s local and regional food systems, and to celebrate the results of the public and private partnerships that have made success possible.

The local food sector represents more than $12 billion dollars per year in sales, according to industry estimates.  That’s a lot of economic growth and opportunity for American producers and businesses.  And, in the newly-released results of the 2015 survey of nearly 1,400 farmers market managers, we are able to see the direct benefits these markets provide to businesses and communities across the country.

For farmers and food businesses, the survey conducted by my agency—USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS)—shows that 56 percent of markets were able to increase their product variety because of vendor recruitment and market growth.  Another 37 percent were able to contract directly with local restaurants to have their vendors supply fresh ingredients.

The survey results also illustrate the critical role that farmers markets serve for rural communities, with 17 percent of markets reporting that their farmers were able to increase their farm acreage due to participation in local markets, and 41 percent of markets reporting that the market enabled their local farmers to continue farming.

We also saw evidence that communities are benefiting directly from markets that combine vendors with hosted events.  In fact, 64 percent of markets hosting community events reported customer growth, with another 57 percent reporting increased customer retention.  Hosted events included a wide variety of educational and recreational activities—such as cooking classes, live music, gardening classes and children’s activities.

Markets that mature into a multi-faceted community resource perform better than markets that don’t—showing that a path to continued success is a blending of rural products and responding to community needs.

Local food is not a trend.  It’s not a fad hooked to a priority that will fade away.  Local food is bigger than any one individual, bigger than policy documents or informational campaigns.  It’s a vital part of our nation’s diverse food system, born out of consumer demand and driven by the universal connection we have to our community and the farmers and businesses owners who produce the food we eat.

Long-lasting connections are being forged between farms and consumers, and USDA and AMS are helping. In the last two years alone, USDA has made over 900 investments in local food infrastructure that connects farmers with local markets, including food hubs, warehouses, local processing facilities and distribution networks. Over the course of the Obama Administration, we’ve invested close to $1 billion in 40,000 local projects—from small loans of a few thousand dollars to local farmers, to multi-million dollar grants for infrastructure development.

We know that these investments will help farmers markets and local food systems continue to serve their communities. And this week, we get to celebrate everything that this support—coupled with community passion and private sector innovation—makes possible across the country. Happy National Farmers Market Week!

***Cross-post from USDA Blog***

Summer Meals: Giving Families the Support They Need

By Audrey Rowe, Administrator, Food and Nutrition Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture

Girls eating school lunch_USDA

When school is out during the summer months and children are no longer receiving breakfast and lunch at school, many families struggle to feed their children nutritious meals each and every day.

As a mother and grandmother, I understand the importance of ensuring that America’s children are provided with nutritious meals every day. My grandchildren, who are 5 and 8, are just like all children – infinitely curious and filled with energy, love, and joy. Young children should be playing and learning — not worried about where their next meal will come from. But for many children, school meals are their only source of nutrition, which is why USDA’s Summer Meals Programs are so important.

Summer Meals provide kids with the nutrition they need when school is out, and a safe haven where they can play and learn to keep their minds and bodies active during the summer months. The availability of these meals, which are served at no cost to children 18 and under, also reduces the financial burden on caretakers when school is out of session.

In the summer of 2015, nearly 191 million meals were served to children and teens at more than 66,000 sites across the country. With the help of our partners, we pulled off an amazing feat– roughly 3.8 million children and teens were served by the program. This summer we are striving to reach even more children in our quest to build stronger, healthier communities and ensure all kids have the opportunity to thrive when school returns in the fall.

Expanding access to Summer Meals is important across the country, but it is especially important in rural areas. Last summer, I visited multiple summer meals sites across the country.  I remember meeting one young man named Brian. Brian was only 12 years old and every day he rode his bike a long distance, along a busy highway just to get a summer meal. Brian would rush and finish his meal as quickly as possible in order to ride back home and give his sister the bike, so she could ride it to the same site and have a meal as well. This shows the lengths that kids will go in order to get a meal and an example of the need that is there. It is stories like Brian’s that highlight the need to continue to find innovative ways to serve children through efforts such as mobile meals and other strategies to reach families that may not have transportation to a site.

States across the country are creating projects to address these challenges in rural areas. For example, the Iola Unified School District in Southeast Kansas retrofitted an older bus and created a “traveling bistro.” The students built tables and book shelves, painted the walls, and turned half of the seats around to create restaurant-style booths. MARV, or the Meals and Reading Vehicle, will be traveling to three low-income neighborhoods to serve lunch on weekdays during the summer. Another innovative project comes from California where over the last three years; they’ve expanded access to summer meals through libraries. With many schools closed, it is difficult to find a central location that is safe and easily accessible during the summer months. However, thanks to the Lunch at the Library Initiative spearheaded by the California Summer Meal Coalition and the California Library Association, summer meal sites at libraries have grown from 20 to more than 125.

Since summer 2009, we’ve served more than 1.2 billion summer meals. We hope to continue this success as the numbers have grown steadily each year.  Our partners have done a tremendous job stepping up to the plate. Summer Meals programs would not be possible without churches, libraries, schools, non-profits, and other organizations making a commitment to the communities they serve.  I am pleased, both as the Administrator of the Food and Nutrition Service, as well as a grandmother of two beautiful children, that these programs are available for kids in need.

To find a summer meal site near you, please visit our Summer Meals Site Finder. For more information on USDA’s Summer Meals Programs please visit as well as our Summer Meals Toolkit.

***Cross-post from USDA Blog***

Natomas Summer Meal Celebration

Girl holding peachThe Office of Farm to Fork had a great time at the Natomas Unified School District’s Summer Meals Celebration on July 21st at the South Natomas Community Center.Boy holding peach

A free barbecue lunch was served to the over 1,300 people in attendance, including a black bean veggie burger and kale salad. The event was to promote the district’s summer feeding program and to spotlight childhood hunger and the role that local foods can play in addressing it.

The Office’s website, the California Farmer Marketplace helped Natomas Director of Nutrition Services, Vince Caguin, connect with local farmers and enabled the purchase of California grown produce for the event. The website offers an online space for farmers to post products and connect directly with school food service directors across the state. Some of the local produce purchased by the district for the event was used for the Office’s fruit and veggie photo booth. Anyone who wanted to take a photo with their favorite piece of summer produce was welcomed to pose with a summer veggie or choose between a slice of watermelon or ripe peach to snack on while having their picture taken.

Jesus Mendoza enjoying a bite of fruit

Jesus Mendoza enjoying a bite of fresh summer fruit.

The Summer Meals Celebration brought out Jesus Mendoza, the USDA Western Regional Administrator, and Audrey Rowe, Administrator of the USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), as an honored guest. Rowe helped spearhead the creation of the national summer feeding program and led the effort to pass the nation’s Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Rowe lauded the district’s summer meals program and stressed the importance of students eating nutritious foods all year long, even while schools are closed.

Audrey Rowe showing off one of her favorite summer vegetables

Audrey Rowe taking a moment to show off one of her favorite summer vegetables.

The Summer Meals Celebration showed the large amount of support for both childhood nutrition and the local farming communities. Natomas Unified hopes to continue the tradition in the coming years.

CDFA Office of Farm to Fork Annual Report Released

Little Rusted Ladle photo

As Californians, we are lucky to live in one of the most agriculturally productive places in the world, producing the variety we need for a well-balanced diet. We are constantly reminded of this as we travel through the diverse micro climates of the state and witness everything from tomatoes to roaming cattle to almond orchards.

Yet despite this bounty, many Californians remain food insecure, with hunger and proper nutrition remaining a pressing anxiety. The Office of Farm to Fork was established to address these needs and works to improve access to the healthy foods produced in our state.

This annual report chronicles the programs and tools developed by the Office of Farm to Fork over the past year. From creating the California Farmer Marketplace – an online tool making it easier for schools to procure California foods – to introducing the next generation to agriculture, this program strives to not only increase food access but also awareness of the state’s rich agriculture heritage and production.

I am proud of the accomplishments of the Office of Farm to Fork over the last year and look forward to much success in the future!

Karen Ross, Secretary of the California Department of Food and Agriculture

Annual Report


Lowering Milk Prices with Collective Buying Power

Glass of milk

More school districts are leaning toward purchasing collectively and acting as a buying collaborative to lower prices and increase local purchases, but some groups are taking it a step further and releasing joint requests for proposals (RFPs). RFPs allow districts to continue the savings past a single group purchase and lock in lower prices for an entire school year. Eight districts in Contra Costa County, representing 69,000 students, released a joint dairy RFP this spring and awarded the contract to Crystal Creamery for the 2016/17 school year. Using a single spreadsheet that recorded usage totals for dairy products, school nutrition directors from Pittsburg Unified School District, Walnut Creek School District, Brentwood Union School District, Byron Union School District, Liberty Union High School District, Oakley Union Elementary School District, Mount Diablo Unified School District, and West Contra Costa Unified School District all contributed the amount of each product they needed, as well as their delivery locations and schedules.

The group, along with Antioch Unified School District and guidance from the California Department of Food and Agriculture Office of Farm to Fork and the Center for Ecoliteracy, are in the process of forming a Joint Powers Agreement to legally strengthen their ability to purchase together beyond acting as a buying collaborative. The directors saw dairy as a great place to start joint purchases as all public districts are required to serve milk daily. The contract includes milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream, and other miscellaneous dairy products.

Working together significantly lowers the price for small districts that benefit from being included in the group along with large districts like Mount Diablo and West Contra Costa.

“Brentwood Union is very thankful to have the support of larger districts when it comes to purchasing. Our district serves about 5,000 meals per day. Next year we anticipate saving about $8,000 because of the Co-Op, not to mention the legal costs involved in reviewing the RFP/ bid documents and labor costs,” remarked Allison Mayer, Food Services Coordinator for Brentwood Union School District.

Angelia Nava, Director of Child Nutrition Services at Pittsburg Unified School District commented that pricing is similar to what they received individually but the group proposal and contract lays the groundwork for buying other products collectively. This summer the group will release another RFP focusing on seasonal fruits and vegetables, targeting items that are often financially out of reach, such as local strawberries and tomatoes. For many of the students their only exposure to seasonal fruits and vegetables will be through the free or reduced price meal served at school. The directors hope their efforts will aid in creating life long healthy eating habits and a knowledge of the array of agricultural products California has to offer.

The joint dairy contract is a stepping stone for introducing more California produced products to school meals. The districts hope their efforts can be replicated across the state by other counties, looking to lower prices, improve quality, and increase the variety of products offered to students.

Fighting poor nutrition among California seniors – with a food truck

seniorsfood turck_blog

By Marisa Agha, Special to The Bee

VISTA–John and Roberta Koch rarely eat out anymore. The prices are too high for retirees on a fixed income, and the taste doesn’t always measure up to the cost.

The Vista couple does enjoy coming to a weekly lunch at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in this northern San Diego County city. As they awaited their order of two teriyaki burgers with pineapple, Roberta Koch, 74, picked up some fresh carrots, beets and green beans from a side table. She planned to use the carrots for a beef stew for dinner.

“We were raised on fresh vegetables and nutritious food,” she said. “You can’t even get them in the store this fresh.”

Her husband, John, a 78-year-old retired Marine, said he likes the companionship and atmosphere of meeting other area seniors regularly at the Wednesday lunches.

But many older Californians simply don’t have enough to eat. California is a leading state in which seniors have become among “the hidden poor,” according to a 2015 study by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research.

Nearly 1 in 5, or about 772,000, of California’s adults older than 65 cannot afford basic needs such as food, housing, transportation and health care, but often do not qualify for public assistance, the study found.

“If you’re running out of money at the end of the month … the easiest thing is to cut down on food or eat food that is inexpensive or not nutritious,” said Steven Wallace, associate director of the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research and co-author of the report.

Food insecurity is rising among California’s low-income seniors, according to the California Health Interview Survey, also conducted by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research.

In 2009 and 2010, 21 percent of Californians age 65 and older whose income was less than 200 percent of the federal poverty level reported being unable to afford enough food compared with 27 percent in 2013 and 2014, the survey found.

That’s a serious problem because many seniors need medications that must be taken with food, and the risk of diabetes increases with age, Wallace said.

Concern about senior poverty grew nationwide after the financial downturn of 2008, when many people near or at retirement age lost their jobs or homes, saw savings wiped out or pensions cut, and as baby boomers started to retire.

“What we’re seeing now is people who were middle class when they were of working age. Now, they’ve become poor just in their older age,” said Kevin Prindiville, an attorney and executive director of Justice in Aging, an Oakland-based legal advocacy group devoted to fighting senior poverty through law. “What’s different about being old and poor versus young and poor is you have fewer options.”

State lawmakers in June passed a slight increase for the state portion of Supplemental Security Income funding, money that helps the disabled and low-income elderly, but the funding still falls below what it was before cuts in 2009.

The food at St. Francis of Assisi arrived in a green and white food truck that stopped by the church’s entrance. Soon, the smell of chicken and beef cooking wafted from the mobile kitchen as volunteers began to unload fresh broccoli, bananas and more.

Besides the Vista church, the truck stops at mobile home parks in Oceanside and San Marcos on other days of the week. The aim is to help feed a growing number of the region’s older adults with healthy, affordable meals and combat leading problems facing seniors such as poor nutrition and social isolation.

To improve access to services for a vulnerable population, the Rancho Santa Fe Foundation, along with the nonprofit Dreams for Change and Interfaith Community Services, launched the North County Seniors Connections program in 2014. The foundation bought the food truck for $32,000 and will provide $750,000, through its funds and other donors, over three years for the program.

Seniors can pay $2 for lunch or eat free with a CalFresh card. Additionally, Interfaith provides speakers, classes and sometimes music for the group. Dickinson Farm of National City donates free produce such as beets, carrots, kale and turnips for seniors to take home.

“It basically becomes a senior center on wheels,” said Debbie Anderson, programs director for the Rancho Santa Fe Foundation.

The food truck idea grew out of a study the foundation commissioned from the University of San Diego’s Caster Family Center for Nonprofit and Philanthropic Research. The study found that many seniors in the region were not using services because of lack of access. While the target group is ambulatory seniors, people like to go to places that are familiar and not too far, such as their church or the community room of the mobile home park where they live, Anderson said.

And there are many low-income seniors in northern San Diego County. In Vista, about 24 percent of the city’s 65 and older population have incomes that are less than 200 percent of the federal poverty level, the study found. The percentages are higher in Oceanside and San Marcos.

Helping to create “a more dignified experience,” seniors can choose what meal they want from the menu, and the food is prepared on the truck, said Teresa Smith, CEO of Dreams for Change, which runs the food truck.

Austin O’Malley, 82, of Escondido said he comes to lunch at his parish to see friends – part of his prescription for a long, healthy life.

“My day started at the beach, walking. Then I did yoga, played golf,” said O’Malley, a retired construction worker. “It all helps my brain. I deserve to be happy and I work at it all the time.”

The social component also draws Charlene Fretwell, 89, a retired federal service clerk who lives in a mobile home park in San Marcos. She recently lost the last of her three children.

“I like the company,” Fretwell said. “Every day, I need to do something. If I stay at home, I’ll sit in the chair and watch television. I don’t want to do that.”

Alicia Enriquez, 67, is a retired caregiver who relies on SSI. She is diabetic and struggles to pay her mortgage, utilities and car expenses each month. The lunches at the church help because they’re healthy, she said.

“I survive on $645 a month,” Enriquez said. “I hope my car doesn’t break down. … That’s a lot of stress.”

NorCal chefs join effort to reduce food waste – from the Sacramento Bee

plums and cucumbers

By Cathie Anderson

Chef Patrick Mulvaney and his team at Mulvaney’s B&Lrestaurant in midtown Sacramento regularly butcher whole hogs themselves, carefully ensuring that they use every element of the animal, because food waste translates into lost revenue in the restaurant business.

So the cost-conscious restaurateur was stunned when he received research showing that 10 million tons of food goes unharvested or gets discarded on U.S. farms annually, even as one in seven Americans are insecure about where they will find their next meal. Here was a situation that Mulvaney – and indeed other chefs across the nation – wanted to help change.

“Everybody says there are going to be 9 billion people in 2050, and four or five years ago, people were saying, ‘We’re going to have to grow 40 percent more food to feed those 40 percent more people,’ ” Mulvaney said. “This (research) changes that conversation. Now people are saying it’s a problem with distribution, not a problem with growth, because we have enough calories.”

The research comes from ReFED, a group of more than 30 business, foundation, nonprofit and government leaders who took a look at food waste in the United States and analyzed how to reduce it not just at farms but at every level of the food chain. ReFED, an acronym for Rethinking Food Waste through Economics and Data, offers a road map for change that enlists farmers, grocers, restaurateurs, investors, consumers and government leaders.

The James Beard Foundation and the nonprofit Chefs Action Network have encouraged chefs known for emphasizing sustainability to get involved with raising awareness of the ReFED report and advocating for legislative changes that will encourage existing businesses, budding entrepreneurs and investors to find new uses for food that is going to landfills or rotting in fields.

Mulvaney recently joined other restaurateurs such as Chef Mourad Lahlou of San Francisco’s Azizaand Mourad in lobbying for changes with legislators in Washington, D.C.Some actions don’t require legislation, however, Lahlou and Mulvaney said. Their farm-to-fork restaurants have always encouraged growers to sell them fruit that is too ripe to survive a lengthy trip to grocery stores. They and other chefs now have begun encouraging farmers to also sell them their ugly produce – sunburned squash or cracked tomatoes – that they can’t get wholesalers to market.

“We find that some of our farmers have trouble recognizing that we want that ugly produce,” Mulvaney said. “If you’re not going to sell it, give it to me – sunburned or damaged squash. I’m good with it. It’s going in ravioli, so it doesn’t matter. If the peaches are a little soft, they’re going into jam. That’s great. Let’s make sure you get as much value out of your fields as you possibly can.”

The chefs hope institutions such as hospitals, prisons and schools also look for ways to make use of farm-fresh produce that is slightly damaged. All too often, wholesalers refuse to distribute it to grocery stores because consumers see the product as inferior. Suzanne Peabody-Ashworth, the owner of Del Rio Botanical in West Sacramento, told me that she recently had some early season tomatoes that she couldn’t sell simply because they had green shoulders and were cracked. Her staff and her flock of chickens consumed some, but others went unharvested.

Recognizing this flaw in the system, entrepreneurs at Emeryville-based Imperfect have begun to market imperfect produce to grocers at discounted prices. West Sacramento-based Raley’sis among the chains trying to develop a consumer market for these less-expensive fruits and vegetables. The Imperfect team said about 6 billion pounds of such produce is discarded annually in the United States, with California accounting for half of that.

Lahlou and Mulvaney say the Food Recovery Act, sponsored by Maine farmer and Democratic U.S. Rep. Chellie Pingree, provides tax incentives to make it more affordable for farmers to harvest and donate this imperfect produce to food banks. It also provides liability protection for those that donate wholesome food. The chefs are hoping that provisions in this legislation will become part of the 2018 Farm Bill.

This bill and the Food Date Labeling Act also are aimed at combating confusion about expiration dates, Lahlou said, because it turns out that the dates vary widely from state to state.

“We want to get all the states in America to agree on a reasonable date when things will expire, whether it’s milk, eggs or whatever it is,” Lahlou said. “We just want to make it realistic and make sure food does not get wasted. The date labeling initiative is really crucial.”

If a carton of milk at his restaurants is even one day over its expiration date, Lahlou said, he must toss it out because if anyone gets sick, he could be sued and put out of business. For the same reason, he said, he can’t allow employees to take the milk home. Instead, he said, it goes down the drain, even though everyone knows it’s still edible.

Many consumers, he added, are tossing out milk because they think they will get sick just because the expiration date has passed. They don’t smell it or taste it to see if it’s still good, he said.

“It really depends on how good your refrigerator is,” Lahlou said. “Some people have really strong refrigerators. They’re accurate and calibrated, so that milk is going to last a lot longer. If your refrigerator is 20 years old and it’s not working as well, even if the expiration date is a week away, if that milk smells bad, you’re going to throw it away. You’re not going to go by the expiration date.”

The ReFED road map offers up 27 solutions to food waste, some of which are included in Pingree’s legislation. Some, however, depend on existing and startup businesses taking a risk on developing markets for their products. It’s what Imperfect is doing in Emeryville, and it’s also what Capay Valley’s Full Belly Farm has done.

Second-generation farmer Hallie Muller said: “We actually have built now a kitchen where we’re using soft produce for jams and jellies. We’re pickling things that we otherwise would not be able to sell. That whole aspect of our farm is really growing in the last couple of years. We feel like there is so much opportunity there.”

Full Belly Farm sells these so-called value-added products at both stores and farmers markets, Muller said.

Link to story


Farmers Market Program Aiming to Help Low-Income California Families Gets New Life

From San Jose Mercury News, By Annie Sciacca  (

black berries farmers market_small625

California Gov. Jerry Brown has approved a bill that could boost a program increasing access to healthy food for low-income families through farmers’ markets that has already grown considerably in the Bay Area.

The governor has approved a state budget that includes $5 million for the California Nutrition Incentives Act, which sets up a program to discount fresh produce at farmers’ markets for low-income shoppers. Signing the bill allows the state to take advantage of federal matching money through the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Insecurity Nutrition Incentive program and thus double the impact of its investment in the program.

The largest operator of that program is Market Match, which has so far been funded with a grant from the USDA. But that grant will run out in one year. The Ecology Center, which administers the program statewide, will have to apply through the USDA to get the matching funds, according to the center’s food and farming director, Ben Feldman.

More than 200 nonprofit organizations and individuals including Roots of Change, Latino Coalition for a Healthy California, American Heart Association and California Pan-Ethnic Health Network have worked to secure funding for the program over the last three years and consider the new approval a success after Gov. Brown cut the $2.5 million that the legislature requested for the program in 2015.

“With this funding, the state of California has put its money where its mouth is in terms of supporting healthy eating for low-income families,” said Martin Bourque, executive director of the Berkeley-based Ecology Center, in a statement. “The demand for Market Match has consistently outstripped the supply of funds. The additional $5 million will allow us to expand the program towards our goal of offering Market Match at every farmers’ market in the state.”

Under Market Match, which was established by nonprofit Roots of Change, shoppers using federal assistance benefits can go to the farmers’ market manager, indicate how much they want to spend using their Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card, and get tokens to be used at stands with fruits and vegetables. If a shopper wants to spend $10, the program matches it to $20, giving them double the credit to use at the market.

“I think it’s important because it not only increases people’s access to local, fresh produce, it gets them actually more for what they’re spending,” Cristal Banagan, a Richmond resident who uses Market Match at Oakland and Richmond farmers’ markets, told Bay Area News Group earlier this month.. “If you use EBT … you don’t have the finest food, and you’re in need of this.”

Market Match is on track to connect nearly 240,000 low-income shoppers with 2,200 of the state’s small farms through farmers’ markets, generating $9.8 million in fruit and vegetable sales. In the Bay Area, local farmers have earned $1.1 million directly from the program.

***Cross Posted from Planting Seeds Blog***

Golden Seed Awards, Apply Before June 30th!

The California Farm to School Network, a project of the Community Alliance with Family Farmers announced the inaugural launch of the California Golden Seed Awards contest, highlighting farm to school efforts throughout the state.

Kids touring local farm

The Golden Seed Awards are meant to recognize Farm to School efforts at all levels in California’s school districts and schools. Whether you started your first school garden this year or have an established a student run-farm – they want to hear from you! Applicants will be evaluated by their contributions to the three pillars of Farm to School – procurement, education, and school gardens. With three different awards categories, anyone can win!

Sow, Grow and Harvest awards will be granted to applicants participating in at least one, two or three of the pillars (respectively). Awards will be chosen by a committee established by CFSN and will be announced in mid-August.

The application for the Golden Seed Awards is open until June 30th, and recipients will be announced in mid August. Prizes include passes to the 2017 California Farm to School Conference, passes to pre-conference field trips, technical assistance for beginning programs and lots of media attention!

For more information, and to apply online, please visit:

For any questions, please contact