Yolo/Solano/Sacramento Regional Agritourism Summit in Davis February 13, 2017

country roads 400The University of California Small Farm Program and UC Cooperative Extension are working with local partners to organize a Yolo/Solano/Sacramento Regional Agritourism Summit for everyone in the region involved in agritourism. The Summit will be an occasion for farmers, ranchers, county planners, the tourism community and others involved to share, learn, and plan together.

Agritourism operators, tourism professionals, county, city and state staff and officials, community organizations, agricultural organizations, tour organizers and all others who are connected to agritourism are invited to join the conversation. Presentations and discussion topics will include county regulations; marketing plans; social media and event organizing training sessions; liability; financing ideas for agritourism development; and more.

The summit was planned by a local team to best reflect the needs of the region, so will include discussions and presenters of specific relevance to agritourism development in Yolo, Solano and Sacramento Counties. The summit will be a participatory, all-day session with lunch provided.

Participants are invited to bring marketing and organizational information to display and share.

Agendas for this and other regional summits are posted on this site.

Registration: Visit http://ucanr.edu/summits2017.
Fee: A registration fee of $25 is requested, payable online or by check.
When: Monday, February 13, 2017
Where: UC ANR Building, 2801 Second Street, Davis CA 95618

More Information: Penny Leff, UCCE Agritourism Coordinator, paleff@ucdavis.edu, 530-752-7779.