Highlights from the Farm-to-Mouth Farm Stand

***This post is part of our series “Tales from the Specialty Crop Ambassadors” – blog posts written by farmers working with the Center for Land-Based Learning in Winters, CA. The Specialty Crop Ambassadors are spearheading projects that support consumption, education, and access to California specialty crops.***

By Anna-Ruth Crittenden

The garden continued to produce prolifically throughout August as we experienced many days with temperatures reaching over 100 degrees. We held one Farm Stand event in August and were able to market the produce to a few new customers. We reached out to previous customers and received some promotion through an announcement in the Davis Enterprise.

Below are some August highlights from Farm-to-Mouth.

Kum Sun, a long-time F2M employee, showing a basket of summer squash she picked

Kum Sun, a long-time F2M employee, showing a basket of summer squash she picked for the Farm Stand.

David Lewis holding two watermelons

David Lewis holding two Charleston Grey Watermelons.

A F2M employee harvesting red and green okra pods

A F2M employee harvesting red and green okra pods. Here he is in the row of Okra at the F2M garden.

Cheryl Meade displays a basket of cherry tomatoes

Cheryl Meade displays a basket of cherry tomatoes she picked for the Farm Stand.

Produce on display at the Farm Stand

Produce on display at the Farm Stand: Yellow crookneck squash, green patty pan squash, cherry tomatoes, and jalapeños.

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