What’s Plantable? It’s the new gardening app from the California Association of Nurseries and Garden Centers

***Cross Posting from CDFA’s Blog, Planting Seeds***

We farmers love our tractors, but if you had to pick an official “tool of the 21st century,” you’d probably put the “app” at the top of that list. Apps (mobile device software applications) are a great way to reach the Millennial audience on its own technological wavelength. Our friends over at the California Association of Nurseries and Garden Centers (CANGC) have joined in the fun, launching the new Plantable app for the iPhone, iPad and iPod.Plantable

Available online at http://plantable.org, this resource gives consumers a swipable menu of DIY projects like “The Incredible, Edible Patio Garden” and “House Plants that Clean the Air,” complete with materials lists and simple, straightforward instructions. It’s the kind of tool that can transform a young, urban audience into new urban farmers and home gardeners, giving them a chance to share a little bit of the thrill that farmers get every time they bring a crop to harvest.

CANGC developed the Plantable app with the help of a $237,000 grant from CDFA’s Specialty Crop Block Grant Program. The app will help drive young consumers to nurseries and garden centers, which is great for the industry – but it also accomplishes the goal of raising consumers’ “ag IQ” and that’s good news for all of us.

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