Inspection Services Blog

Tag Archives: Organic Agriculture

ISD Staff Spotlight: CA State Organic Program Special Investigator Mayze Fowler-Riggs has passion for education & enforcement

NAME: Mayze Fowler-Riggs TIME AT CDFA: 8 years PROGRAM: State Organic Program POSITION TITLE: Special Investigator USUAL DAILY ACTIVITES ON THE JOB? I oversee part of the statewide enforcement and outreach efforts of organic agricultural products based on the provisions … Continue reading

Posted in CDFA California State Organic Program, CDFA Inspection & Compliance Branch, CDFA Inspection Services Division, ISD Staff Spotlight | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

California Agricultural Organics Report details organic sales, acreage, commodities by county

California accounts for 36 percent of organic sales in the United States, and newly released figures show our state’s organic sales are continuing to grow. According to the California Agricultural Organics Report 2021-2022, California organic sales increased 16.4 percent from … Continue reading

Posted in CDFA California State Organic Program, CDFA Inspection & Compliance Branch, CDFA Inspection Services Division | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

CDFA partners with county agricultural commissioner offices to conduct organic enforcement activities

Posted in CDFA California State Organic Program, CDFA Inspection & Compliance Branch, CDFA Inspection Services Division | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Vacancies announced on California Organic Products Advisory Committee

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) is announcing vacancies on the California Organic Products Advisory Committee (COPAC). COPAC advises the CDFA secretary on matters pertaining to the California State Organic Program (SOP). The SOP is responsible for enforcement of federal and … Continue reading

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