Inspection Services Blog

Category Archives: CDFA Inspection & Compliance Branch

CDFA Technical Assistance Program debuts new webpage

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) announces a new webpage is now available for its Technical Assistance Program. The CDFA Technical Assistance Program (TAP) provides educational resources to help small-scale produce farms comply with the federal Food Safety … Continue reading

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Food Safety E-Learning Series: attend sessions this week about production agricultural water, view previous sessions about biological soil amendments of animal origin

Register now to attend three free, online courses starting this week about production agricultural water. These courses are part of the California Farm Food Safety E-Learning series created by the UC Davis Department of Food Science and Technology, funded by the … Continue reading

Posted in CDFA Inspection & Compliance Branch, CDFA Inspection Services Division, CDFA Produce Safety Program | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Register now for California Farm Food Safety E-Learning Series about biological soil amendments of animal origin and production agricultural water

Register now for two tracks in the UC Davis Department of Food Science and Technology California Farm Food Safety E-Learning Series funded by the California Department of Food and Agriculture Produce Safety Program. Several speakers will provide short presentations during the … Continue reading

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CDFA Inspection Services #CelebratingResilience this #CaAgDay2021 through release of annual report

Today’s California Agriculture Day theme of “Celebrating Resilience” recognizes the agricultural industry’s ability to adapt to change, especially considering the events of last year. Many examples of this, and how California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) Inspection Services Division … Continue reading

Posted in CDFA Center for Analytical Chemistry, CDFA Feed, Fertilizer and Livestock Drugs Regulatory Services Branch, CDFA Inspection & Compliance Branch, CDFA Inspection Services Division, CDFA Office of Farm to Fork, Inspection Services Division Administration Unit | Leave a comment

Produce Safety Program Supervisor Phillips published in academic journal about survival of foodborne pathogens on dried apricots

California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) Produce Safety Program Manager Shelley Phillips is published in the March 2021 issue of Food Control as a co-author of “Survival of common foodborne pathogens on dried apricots made with and without sulfur … Continue reading

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CDFA’s State Organic Program inspects organic products coming into California at border

Did you know the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) State Organic Program (SOP) collaborates with CDFA’s Border Protection Stations to inspect organic products coming into California? SOP and border station staff recently inspected organic blueberries and organic seeds … Continue reading

Posted in CDFA California State Organic Program, CDFA Inspection & Compliance Branch, CDFA Inspection Services Division, CDFA Inspection Services: Did You Know? | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

CDFA presents helpful resources at Latino Farmer Conference

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) co-sponsored, attended and presented at the sixth annual Latino Farmer Conference on February 11. The virtual conference presented in Spanish was held to facilitate the creation of networks and provide pertinent information … Continue reading

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Blog details how farms can find out if they are exempt from Produce Safety Rule

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) Produce Safety Program is now actively performing inspections of California produce farms to verify compliance with food safety regulations under the federal Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule. These new … Continue reading

Posted in CDFA Inspection & Compliance Branch, CDFA Inspection Services Division, CDFA Produce Safety Program | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Did you know California State Organic Program data debuted in the 2018-2019 California Agricultural Statistics Review?

Did you know an Organic section debuted in the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) “2018-2019 California Agricultural Statistics Review,” which was released in June 2020? CDFA’s California State Organic Program (SOP) provided information for the new section, which … Continue reading

Posted in CDFA California State Organic Program, CDFA Inspection & Compliance Branch, CDFA Inspection Services Division, CDFA Inspection Services: Did You Know? | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Apply now to fill vacancies on Certified Farmers’ Market Advisory Committee

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) announces vacancies on the Certified Farmers’ Market Advisory Committee (CFMAC). Apply now if you’d like to be one of the CFMAC members advising the CDFA secretary on all matters pertaining to CDFA’s … Continue reading

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