Inspection Services Blog

Category Archives: CDFA Inspection & Compliance Branch

Certified Farmers’ Markets show benefits of buying local produce and developing relationships with farmers

CDFA encourages all Californians to shop at Certified Farmers’ Markets to experience the healthy benefits of purchasing local produce and developing relationships with area farmers. This video is of a recent Saturday morning at the Davis Farmers Market in Davis, CA, with … Continue reading

Posted in CDFA Direct Marketing Program, CDFA Inspection & Compliance Branch, CDFA Inspection Services Division, Certified Farmers Market | Tagged , | Leave a comment

CDFA inspector discusses Produce Safety Rule on podcast

CDFA environmental scientist Sarah Standiford–of the agency’s Produce Safety Program–recently appeared on a podcast for MyAgLife about Produce Safety Rule inspections and what farmers can expect. Topics included why CDFA conducts food safety inspections, the steps of an inspection, how … Continue reading

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CDFA helps inspect USDA Commodity Procurement purchases for schools, food banks across USA

Did you know that the California Department of Food and Agriculture Shipping Point Inspection Program helps inspect produce for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Commodity Procurement Program for schools, food banks and households across America? Because California will be … Continue reading

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Looking out for grape-loving consumers — CDFA Standardization Program makes sure imported grapes meet California standards

Did you know that inspections of imported table grapes are conducted annually by California county and state personnel to ensure they meet the same high standards of California-grown fruit? Inspections ensure that table grapes look good, taste good, are nutritious; … Continue reading

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California Agricultural Organics Report details organic sales, acreage, commodities by county

California accounts for 36 percent of organic sales in the United States, and newly released figures show our state’s organic sales are continuing to grow. According to the California Agricultural Organics Report 2021-2022, California organic sales increased 16.4 percent from … Continue reading

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Inspection Services Division annual report highlights accomplishments of 2022

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) announces the release of its Inspection Services Division Annual Report 2022. The annual report offers an overview of Inspection Services Division’s (ISD) programs, boards and committees, fiscal year expenditures, mission, vision, goals … Continue reading

Posted in California Avocado Inspection Committee, California Nutrition Incentive Program, California Organic Products Advisory Committee, CDFA Antimicrobial Use and Stewardship Program, CDFA Avocado Inspection Program, CDFA California Citrus Program, CDFA California State Organic Program, CDFA Center for Analytical Chemistry, CDFA Commercial Feed Regulatory Program, CDFA Direct Marketing Program, CDFA Environmental Safety Laboratory, CDFA Farm to School Network, CDFA Farm to School Program, CDFA Feed Inspection Advisory Board, CDFA Feed Inspection Advisory Board Technical Advisory Subcommittee, CDFA Feed, Fertilizer and Livestock Drugs Regulatory Services Branch, CDFA Fertilizer Inspection Advisory Board, CDFA Fertilizer Research and Education Program (FREP), CDFA Fertilizing Materials Inspection Program, CDFA Food Recovery, CDFA Food Safety Laboratory, CDFA Healthy Refrigeration Grant Program, CDFA Inspection & Compliance Branch, CDFA Inspection Services Division, CDFA Inspection Services: Did You Know?, CDFA Livestock Drug Program, CDFA OCal Cannabis Certification Program, CDFA Office of Farm to Fork, CDFA Organic Input Material Program, CDFA Organic Input Material Program, CDFA Produce Safety Program, CDFA Quality Assurance Program, CDFA Regulatory Analysis Laboratory, CDFA Safe Animal Feed Education (SAFE), CDFA Shipping Point Inspection Program, CDFA Standardization Advisory Committee, CDFA Standardization Program, CDFA Technical Assistance Program, CDFA Urban Agriculture Grant Program, Certified Farmers Market, Certified Farmers Market Advisory Committee, Fertilizer Inspection Advisory Board Technical Advisory Subcommittee, Inspection Services Division Administration Unit | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Apply now for active handler of avocados vacancy on Avocado Inspection Committee

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) is announcing a vacancy on the Avocado Inspection Committee (AIC). The AIC advises the CDFA Secretary on all matters pertaining to the California Avocado Inspection Program. This program protects the consumer and industry … Continue reading

Posted in California Avocado Inspection Committee, CDFA Avocado Inspection Program, CDFA Inspection & Compliance Branch, CDFA Inspection Services Division | Tagged , | Leave a comment

CDFA announces vacancies on California Organic Products Advisory Committee

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) is announcing vacancies on the California Organic Products Advisory Committee (COPAC). COPAC advises the CDFA Secretary on matters pertaining to the California State Organic Program (SOP). The SOP is responsible for enforcement of federal and … Continue reading

Posted in California Organic Products Advisory Committee, CDFA California State Organic Program, CDFA Inspection & Compliance Branch, CDFA Inspection Services Division | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Apply now to fill vacancies on Certified Farmers’ Market Advisory Committee

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) is announcing vacancies on the Certified Farmers’ Market Advisory Committee (CFMAC).  The CFMAC advises the CDFA Secretary on all matters pertaining to the Direct Marketing Program, including legislation, regulations, enforcement, and administrative policies … Continue reading

Posted in CDFA Direct Marketing Program, CDFA Inspection & Compliance Branch, CDFA Inspection Services Division, Certified Farmers Market, Certified Farmers Market Advisory Committee | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Learn about CDFA programs, opportunities at World Ag Expo

Posted in CDFA California State Organic Program, CDFA Farm to School Network, CDFA Farm to School Program, CDFA Feed, Fertilizer and Livestock Drugs Regulatory Services Branch, CDFA Fertilizer Research and Education Program (FREP), CDFA Fertilizing Materials Inspection Program, CDFA Inspection & Compliance Branch, CDFA Inspection Services Division, CDFA Office of Farm to Fork, CDFA Produce Safety Program, CDFA Shipping Point Inspection Program, CDFA Standardization Program, CDFA Technical Assistance Program | Tagged | Leave a comment