Inspection Services Blog

FREP blog welcomes new FIAB Technical Advisory Subcommittee members

New FIAB TASC members include Charlotte Decock (left) and Mike Almasri.

The Fertilizer Research and Education Program (FREP) blog welcomes two new members of the Fertilizer Inspection Advisory Board (FIAB) Technical Advisory Subcommittee (TASC).

TASC members advise on FREP activities and assist with the FREP Grant Program through helping set project priorities and reviewing grant applications to recommend to the FIAB which research and outreach proposals should receive funding.

FIAB TASC’s new members include Charlotte Decock, Ph.D., and Mike Almasri, Ph.D. Click here to read the FREP blog and learn more about them!


The California Department of Food and Agriculture Fertilizer Research and Education Program is part of the Feed, Fertilizer and Livestock Drugs Regulatory Services Branch of the Inspection Services Division.

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