Inspection Services Blog

Did you know produce inspections at the wholesale level are an integral part of CDFA Standardization Program?

Recent CDFA Standardization Program inspections at a wholesale location found several violations, including (left) a minimum quality violation of melons exceeding tolerance for decay and (right) a labeling violation of missing identity, responsibility and quantity statement.

Did you know that produce inspections at the wholesale level are an integral part of the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) Standardization Program?

CDFA’s Standardization Program has roots back to 1915, when at the behest of the California fresh fruit and vegetable industry, the California Legislature established minimum standards for all fresh fruits, nuts and vegetables to protect consumers and the industry from substandard products. Standardization also promulgates and processes regulations concerning standardization of quality, maturity, containers, labeling and packing requirements – examples of which can be seen in the accompanying photos.

Standardization laws establish minimum standards for maturity, quality, size, standard container and pack, and container markings. Staff members from CDFA and California county agricultural commissioner offices enforce the standards through inspections that take place in fields, packinghouses, wholesale markets, retail distribution centers, retail outlets and highway inspection stations.

CDFA’s Standardization Program is in the Inspection and Compliance Branch of the Inspection Services Division.

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