Inspection Services Blog

ISD Staff Spotlight: Karina Macias Arroyo

NAME: Karina Macias Arroyo


PROGRAM: Inspection Services Division (ISD) Administration Unit

TITLE: Staff Services Analyst

USUAL DAILY ACTIVITIES: Review and submit inter-agency governmental forms, log and file documents, provide weekly updates, work on HR packets when needed, write statements of procedures for the admin team and assist with projects as needed.

HOW DO YOU WORK FOR THE CALIFORNIA FOOD SUPPLY? As part of the ISD Administration Unit, I assist with assignments and I help route documents that help ISD programs work on behalf of California’s quality food supply and environmentally safe agricultural practices.

MEMORABLE MOMENT ON THE JOB: I really enjoyed taking a tour of the Agriculture and Land-Based Training Association (ALBA) farm in Salinas, California, while working in ISD’s Produce Safety Program. ALBA offers farmworkers an opportunity to learn the skills needed to start their own growing operations. This includes growing organic produce, as well. We got to see the produce the participants had grown and the equipment provided to participants. I’m very glad I was able to participate in the tour and learn about the program.

PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE: I once read that happiness is not a destination, it’s a way of life. It is up to us to do something that will make us happy each day. We can listen to our favorite song, watch a funny movie, talk to a friend or do something kind for someone else. Do something that will put a smile on your face and always remember, “Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.” – Mallory Hopkins

ANYTHING ELSE YOU WOULD LIKE TO SAY? I’ve had the opportunity to meet many dedicated supervisors, dependable environmental scientists and hardworking office staff while working for CDFA. I’ve learned that each person plays a vital role in making CDFA successful. I’m happy to be a part of ISD and I look forward to learn more about CDFA.

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