Inspection Services Blog

Staff Spotlight: Valerie White helps ensure CA livestock industry is getting safe and nutritional feed

NAME: Valerie White


PROGRAM: Commercial Feed Regulatory Program

TITLE: Environmental Scientist, Feed Lab Coordinator

USUAL ACTIVITIES ON THE JOB: My job consists of being the middle woman for all of our livestock feed samples that are taken by our field inspectors and sent to our lab for testing. I ensure that all the information provided to our lab is accurate, results we receive from the lab are entered, and issue lab reports to all the firms and purchasers associated with each sample.

HOW DO YOU WORK FOR THE CALIFORNIA FOOD SUPPLY: I work for the California food supply by providing data to show that the livestock industry is getting safe and nutritional feed for its animals. The feed that we sample and regulate is for the livestock in California that provides us with milk, meat and eggs, so it is important that these animals get proper nutrition to be able to provide us with quality food.

WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST ABOUT YOUR JOB? There are a few things I love about my job. One is that I get to help the agricultural industry all while learning new things about it every day. I grew up in an area that wasn’t huge on agriculture, so it is fascinating to see all the components that go into providing food for Californians. Another thing I enjoy and I think is the top one is the team that I get to work with. We are a team that works well together, gets along and communicates well.

PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE? My philosophy has always been you get what you give. If you are positive every day, positivity will come your way.

This staff spotlight first ran in CDFA’s Winter 2023 Quarterly Feed Update newsletter. Click here to view the newsletter. The Commercial Feed Regulatory Program is part of the Feed, Fertilizer and Livestock Regulatory Services Branch of CDFA’s Division of Inspection Services.

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