Inspection Services Blog

Urban Agriculture Grant Program info session recording now online – submit comments by 5 p.m. today

Click here to view the info session.

Did you know that CDFA’s Urban Agriculture Grant Program will offer funding for the creation of non-profit community gardens? This and more can be learned by clicking here to watch the recording of a 2023 California Urban Agriculture Grant Program Info Session.

The info session was held to inform interested parties how the grant program’s request for applications (RFP) is currently proposed, and allow the opportunity to submit questions or comments that may change the RFP.

Info session highlights include:

  • An overview of the proposed grant program and its two funding tracks
  • Who would qualify for a grant based on how CDFA defines urban agriculture
  • How grant applications will be graded – with tips on how to submit winning proposals

The 2023 Urban Agriculture Grant Program funds competitive grants to programs and projects that enhance the viability of agriculture in urban areas across California. Track 1: Systems Builder Community-Based Block Grant provides funding to community-based organizations (CBOs) with grassroots involvement in urban and regional food systems planning. Track 2: Urban Agriculture Practitioner Grant directly funds urban agriculture projects for Native American Tribes, for-profit businesses and non-profit organizations that are led by or serve underserved communities located in urban areas. Click here to view a press release with more information.

Public comments must be submitted no later than 5 p.m. PT today, June 15, by emailing Please include “Urban Agriculture Stakeholder Comments” in the email subject line and please specify which funding track each comment is regarding in the email body.

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