Inspection Services Blog

CDFA announces vacancies on Standardization Advisory Committee

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) is announcing vacancies on the Standardization Advisory Committee (STDZ).
STDZ advises the CDFA secretary on all matters pertaining to the Standardization Program, as well as reviewing proposed regulations and making recommendations concerning assessment rates, fees to provide adequate inspection services and the annual budget.
The committee is composed of individuals who have a financial interest, either personal or through their employment, in a commodity under purview of the Standardization Program. Current committee vacancies are for one position representing oranges, other citrus or table grapes; one position representing a fresh fruit other than oranges, other citrus and table grapes; four positions representing broccoli, tomatoes or lettuce; one position representing a vegetable other than broccoli, tomatoes and lettuce; and one position representing any other commodity not previously mentioned.
The term of office for committee members is two years. Members receive no compensation but are entitled to payment of necessary traveling expenses in accordance with the rules of the California Department of Human Resources.
Individuals interested in being considered for an appointment should complete the Prospective Member Appointment Questionnaire (PMAQ) available at and obtain a letter of recommendation from an industry member. Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled.
Applications should be sent to Sarah Cardoni, CDFA Inspection and Compliance Branch, 1220 ‘N’ Street, Sacramento, CA 95814, or via e-mail to
For further information on the Standardization Program and STDZ vacancies, contact Stacey Hughes at (559) 977-5416.

View this original CDFA news release.

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