Inspection Services Blog

CDFA announces $60 million allocated for farm to school grants and begins Farm to School Month with Community of Practice event

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) announces California has expanded its investment in the farm to school movement through a State Budget Sustainable Agriculture allocation of $30 million in FY2021-22 and $30 million in FY2022-23 for a total $60 million toward the California Farm to School Incubator Grant Program.

The CDFA Office of Farm to Fork (CDFA-F2F) California Farm to School Incubator Grant Program is focused on supporting local and regional farm to school projects that promote nutrition education, sustainable food production and procurement, and high-quality student engagement through experiential learning. In 2021, the grant program awarded $8.5 million to 60 farm to school projects throughout the state.

If interested in learning more about CDFA-F2F’s grant funding, farm to school peer-to-peer networking, relationship building and collaborative problem solving, register to attend the California Farm to School Network’s first Community of Practice event at 2 p.m. October 1. The event is free, will be hosted via Zoom and is open to all – click here to reserve your spot!

This Community of Practice event is also how CDFA is kicking off October as National Farm to School Month. During Farm to School Month, the CDFA-F2F California Farm to School Program encourages all schools and supporters posting farm to school activities to tag @CAFarmtoSchool on Instagram so the program may hear and share California’s farm to school efforts!

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