Inspection Services Blog

ISD Staff Spotlight: Center for Analytical Chemistry’s Debbie Cordova takes pride in helping California

NAME: Deborah “Debbie” Cordova

YEARS at CDFA: 23 years

PROGRAM: Research & Development, Center for Analytical Chemistry

POSITION TITLE: Senior Environmental Scientist

USUAL DAILY ACTIVITIES ON THE JOB? You’ll either find me in the lab working on some samples or helping others with theirs, at my desk writing or researching about those samples, or in my boss’s office or in meetings talking about those samples.

HOW DO YOU WORK FOR THE CALIFORNIA FOOD SUPPLY? As part of the Research and Development team here at the Center for Analytical Chemistry (CAC), we work toward improving or developing methods that the CAC or other agencies will use to test chemicals in food, water and the environment.

THOUGHTS OF WORKING AT INSPECTION SERVICES? Although many people don’t know what we do out here at the lab, I have a wonderful sense of pride in knowing that my colleagues and I are doing our part to help California and its people.

PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE? As the verse goes, “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?” Therefore, I try not to worry too much about things, laugh when I can, and treat others with kindness.

SOMETHING UNIQUE ABOUT YOU? I can think of song lyrics that will fit into almost any conversation. Don’t ask me the title of the song or the artist, I just have random bits of songs in my head at all times.

ANYTHING ELSE YOU’D LIKE TO SAY? This is my home away from home. I’ve made wonderful friends here

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