Inspection Services Blog

CDFA bids a fond farewell to Steve Patton, retiring after 45 years with Inspection Services Division

Steve Patton with CDFA Secretary Karen Ross (right) and CDFA Inspection Services Division Director Natalie Krout-Greenberg.

Friends and colleagues at CDFA and throughout the state’s agricultural community are joining in congratulating Inspection and Compliance Branch Chief Steve Patton on his retirement last month. He put in 45 years of dedicated and loyal service at CDFA.

Steve began his career in 1977 as a seasonal cling peach inspector with the department’s Processed Products Branch, which covered peaches, pears, garlic and onions, tomatoes, olives and wine grapes. From there, he steadily gained experience, respect and promotions on the way to his culminating post as branch chief.

Steve’s career path at CDFA involved a great deal of field work and thousands of hours spent on farms, in fields, and at processing plants, as well as his time in the office. He also logged a lot of miles getting to and from all of the state’s far-flung agricultural regions.

“Working for CDFA has given me the opportunity to see hundreds of farmers’ markets, thousands of farms and dozens of processing facilities,” Patton said. “And almost all of that was driving; at six-foot-five, flying was never really my favorite way to travel.”

Congratulations, Steve, and thank you on behalf of a grateful department, industry and state.

Click here to view this original post on the CDFA Planting Seeds blog.

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