Inspection Services Blog

A First for California — CDFA employee recognized by national fertilizer organization for work on advancements in fertilizer

Nick Young, left, receives his award from the Association of American Plant Food Control Officials (AAPFCO).

CDFA Fertilizing Materials Inspection Program Manager Nick Young was recently awarded the Presidential Distinguished Service Award by the Association of American Plant Food Control Officials (AAPFCO) — the first person from California to receive the award in the organization’s 77-year history.

Young received the award for providing outstanding service to the association over the past 12 years, including a stint as president in 2019. During this time, Young was instrumental in influencing perceptions about biostimulants, materials that improve nutrition profiles for plants. An example is seaweed extract derived from algae, which can stimulate root growth, enhance stress tolerance, and improve nutrient uptake. Young’s commitment to a uniform understanding of biostimulants among state regulators led to an AAPFCO initiative to formally recognize them, which is part of a process now underway to establish a productive regulatory framework nationally.

“For the benefit of the fertilizing industry selling plant biostimulant products, consumers purchasing them and inspectors regulating them, Nick’s determination helped all involved have a shared definition of what the term means,” said Inspection Services Division Director Natalie Krout-Greenberg. “This award signifies CDFA’s efforts toward innovation, national uniformity and standardization for the benefit of a shared understanding, as well as Nick’s professionalism and perseverance in helping achieve that.”

Click here to view this original CDFA Planting Seeds blog post.

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