Inspection Services Blog

ISD Staff Spotlight: Brittnie Williams enjoys serving as branch liaison for advisory boards, personnel and more

NAME: Brittnie Williams
TIME AT CDFA: 9 years
BRANCH: Feed, Fertilizer and Livestock Drugs Regulatory Services
POSITION TITLE: Branch Analyst

USUAL DAILY ACTIVITIES ON THE JOB? I am responsible for personnel appointments and ensuring a smooth and timely new hire onboarding. I serve as primary contact for the feed and fertilizer inspection advisory boards where I plan/organize meetings, ensure board materials are formatted in compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards, and monitor/track board appointments and term expirations and required filings/trainings. I prepare procurement activity for the branch’s fleet and assist with fleet-related matters. I help coordinate draft regulations pertaining to branch programs by preparing and submitting rulemaking packages to the Office of Administrative Law and prepare out-of-state travel for field inspection staff for Travel and Governor’s Office approval, among other program administrative duties.

HOW DO YOU WORK FOR THE CALIFORNIA FOOD SUPPLY? I support, coordinate and facilitate activities necessary to carry out the sensitive nature of each of the branch’s programs that assure the safety of fertilizer, feed and food products for people and the environment by regulating sales, labeling and distribution of fertilizing materials, livestock feed and livestock drug products.

THOUGHTS OF WORKING AT INSPECTION SERVICES? I enjoy my time working for Inspection Services because of the diverse tasks that come with my role. Whether it involves personnel, advisory boards, regulations, fleet or travel, I continuously learn and develop new skills while performing my day-to-day work. I am proud to be part of a team that has great leadership and support and provides opportunities for growth and a positive work environment.

MEMORABLE MOMENT ON THE JOB? Planning and preparing my first advisory board meeting and observing conversations where the board advises and makes recommendations concerning topics such as assessment fees, enforcement and legal services, the program’s annual budgets, and the adoption of new or amended laws and regulations.

PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE? Self-care comes first. Before you can take care of your family and friends, you need to take care of yourself.

SOMETHING UNIQUE ABOUT YOU? My favorite hobby is interior decorating. I also enjoy dance and yoga in my free time.

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