Inspection Services Blog

Register now for Aug. 24 CA Farm to School Network’s Community of Practice webinar

The California Farm to School Network invites farm to school practitioners and enthusiasts from across the state to join the seventh virtual Community of Practice event at 1:30 p.m. PT Thursday, August 24.

Hosted via Zoom, this event will provide an engaging hour that will include a panel discussion, Q&A, and time for conversation and peer-learning. Panelists include two California Farm to School Incubator Grant Program grantees. The Sweetwater Union High School District (San Diego County) will share perspectives on reducing school food waste and engaging students in food waste education. Happy Goat, Inc. (Mariposa County), which produces vermicompost (worm composting) on site as a means of improving soil, will discuss vermicomposting systems.

Webinar participants are encouraged to bring their own questions, ideas and experiences to share. Click here to register. Hope to see you there!

The California Farm to School Network includes farm to school practitioners and enthusiasts statewide. Visit the CDFA Farm to School Program webpage to subscribe to network’s monthly updates that include information about grants, resources, research, webinars, events and news from the National Farm to School Network. The California Farm to School Program is part of the California Department of Food and Agriculture Office of Farm to Fork (CDFA-F2F) in the Division of Inspection Services.

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