Inspection Services Blog

CDFA accepting applications for OCal Cannabis Certification Program certifying agents

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) is now accepting applications for public and private entities interested in being certifying agents for the OCal Cannabis Certification Program.
OCal is a statewide certification program that establishes and enforces comparable-to-organic cannabis standards. The OCal Program will ensure that cannabis products bearing the OCal seal have been certified according to consistent, uniform certifying standards comparable to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Organic Program (NOP) and pursuant to CA Business and Professions Code section 26062. The role of OCal certifying agents is to ensure that California cannabis growers and distributors are following OCal regulations before being allowed to utilize the OCal seal. 

OCal certifying agent applications and more information are available at: Applications should be sent to CDFA Inspection and Compliance Branch, OCal Program, 1220 ‘N’ Street, Sacramento, CA 95814, or via e-mail to

For further information on the OCal Cannabis Certification Program, visit

Click here to view this original CDFA news release.

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