Inspection Services Blog

CDFA Irrigation and Nitrogen Management Training Program discussed in podcast

Nicole Nunes

CDFA Environmental Scientist and Certified Crop Advisor Nicole Nunes – of the agency’s Fertilizer Research and Education Program – recently participated in a podcast for MyAgLife about CDFA’s Irrigation and Nitrogen Management Training Program.

During the podcast, Nunes discusses the importance of growers engaging in irrigation and nitrogen management planning so that crops receive the proper amount of nitrogen throughout the year without excess nitrogen leaching into surface or groundwater, possibly facilitated by inefficient irrigation. Nunes also highlights resources available on CDFA’s Irrigation and Nitrogen Management Training Program webpage, which allows growers to self-certify Irrigation and Nitrogen Management Plan Worksheets for their operations for compliance with Central Valley Water Board agricultural regulations.

Click here to listen to the podcast. The portion featuring Nunes begins at 8:02.

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