Inspection Services Blog

ISD Staff Spotlight: Safe Animal Feed Education Program’s KC Gutenberger helps ensure feed and food safety

NAME: KC Gutenberger


PROGRAM: Safe Animal Feed Education (SAFE) Program

POSITION TITLE: Environmental Scientist

USUAL DAILY ACTIVITIES ON THE JOB? The mission of the SAFE Program is to provide research and education regarding the safe manufacture, distribution and use of commercial feed in California. I work closely with the feed industry, the CDFA Feed Inspection Advisory Board (FIAB) and the CDFA Commercial Feed Regulatory Program (CFRP) to identify areas of needed education for the feed industry and then develop and deliver educational resources. The method of delivery varies widely and includes formal trainings, one-on-one consultation, conference presentations, brief info sheets, in-depth guidance documents and examples, webinars, videos, listserv announcements, blog posts and maintaining the website. I also serve as the point of contact for our FIAB Technical Advisory Subcommittee, as well as the researchers who are working with SAFE-funded grants.

HOW DO YOU WORK FOR THE CALIFORNIA FOOD SUPPLY? The supply of safe and quality feed to our dairy, poultry and livestock industries is a critical aspect of food safety and nutrition of the meat, milk and eggs they produce. I work to provide educational resources specific to the California feed industry to help ensure feed and food safety.

THOUGHTS OF WORKING AT INSPECTION SERVICES? I feel lucky to have found the CFRP team.

MEMORABLE MOMENT ON THE JOB? One memorable moment in SAFE was completing the Preventive Controls Qualified Individual (PCQI) Lead Instructor Training and then hosting my first PCQI training for 15 feed industry participants in December 2022.

PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE? Life is too short to ride slow horses — don’t waste time.

SOMETHING UNIQUE ABOUT YOU? In my spare time I compete in an equestrian sport called Cowboy Mounted Shooting. This is a timed event in which competitors run a pattern as fast as possible while shooting at 10 balloon targets with two singe-action, .45 revolvers loaded with special blanks that will pop a balloon up to about 25 feet away. My 14-year-old paint mare “Izzy” and I travel around the country to compete in the national competitions.

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