Monthly Archives: March 2022

ISD Staff Spotlight: Roland Carlson helps provide high-quality data at CDFA Food Safety Laboratory

NAME: Roland Carlson YEARS AT CDFA: 15 PROGRAM: Center for Analytical Chemistry (CAC) Food Safety (FS) Laboratory TITLE: Senior Environmental Scientist HOW DO YOU WORK FOR THE CALIFORNIA FOOD SUPPLY? Our FS laboratories ensure the safety of produce sold in … Continue reading

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USDA announces more resources to increase and expand meat and poultry processing capacity

USDA News Release The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has announced the launch of the Meat and Poultry Processing Capacity Technical Assistance Program (MPPTA) to provide technical assistance to meat and poultry grant applicants and grant-funded projects. Processors and applicants … Continue reading

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CDFA announces vacancy on Fertilizer Inspection Advisory Board – apply by April 15

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) announces one vacancy on the Fertilizer Inspection Advisory Board. The board advises the CDFA secretary on CDFA’s Fertilizing Materials Inspection Program (FMIP), which ensures fertilizing materials are safe, effective and meet quality … Continue reading

Posted in CDFA Feed, Fertilizer and Livestock Drugs Regulatory Services Branch, CDFA Fertilizer Inspection Advisory Board, CDFA Fertilizing Materials Inspection Program, CDFA Inspection Services Division | Tagged , | Leave a comment

FDA launches Agricultural Water Assessment Builder to help farms understand Agricultural Water Proposed Rule requirements

From the U.S. Food and Drug Administration The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released a new user-friendly online Agricultural Water Assessment Builder to help farms understand the proposed requirements for an agricultural water assessment in the Agricultural Water Proposed Rule. Use of … Continue reading

Posted in CDFA Inspection & Compliance Branch, CDFA Inspection Services Division, CDFA Produce Safety Program | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Farm to School Network March newsletter highlights grant funding, resources, events and more

Click here to read the March California Farm to School Network newsletter.

Posted in CDFA Farm to School Network, CDFA Farm to School Program, CDFA Inspection Services Division, CDFA Office of Farm to Fork | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Celebrating the nutritious benefits of California agriculture at Ag Day 2022

Posted in CDFA Farm to School Program, CDFA Healthy Refrigeration Grant Program, CDFA Inspection Services Division, CDFA Office of Farm to Fork | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

CDFA announces new funding to help nutrition program participants with purchases of California-grown produce

SACRAMENTO, March 22, 2022 – CDFA’s California Nutrition Incentive Program (CNIP) has announced seven projects selected to receive $750,000 in total grant awards to facilitate the purchase of California-grown fruit and vegetables at participating farmers’ markets by shoppers using the … Continue reading

Posted in California Nutrition Incentive Program, CDFA Inspection Services Division, CDFA Office of Farm to Fork | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

CDFA accepting public comment for refrigeration grant RFP for technical assistance providers

SACRAMENTO, March 21, 2022 – The California Department of Food and Agriculture Office of Farm to Fork (CDFA-F2F) announces it is seeking public comment until April 4 on the Healthy Refrigeration Grant Program request for proposals (RFP) for technical assistance … Continue reading

Posted in CDFA Healthy Refrigeration Grant Program, CDFA Inspection Services Division, CDFA Office of Farm to Fork | Tagged | Leave a comment

Secretary Ross, First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom featured in PBS story on farm-to-school programs

From the PBS program “Inside California Education.” View this original post on CDFA Planting Seeds.

Posted in CDFA Farm to School Network, CDFA Farm to School Program, CDFA Inspection Services Division, CDFA Office of Farm to Fork | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

CDFA scientist Roland Carlson published as co-author in multi-laboratory study to increase analysis abilities

California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) Center for Analytical Chemistry (CAC) Food Safety Laboratory Senior Environmental Scientist Roland Carlson is published as a co-author in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry for the article, “Multilaboratory Collaborative Study of … Continue reading

Posted in CDFA Center for Analytical Chemistry, CDFA Food Safety Laboratory, CDFA Inspection Services Division, ISD Staff Spotlight | Tagged , , | Leave a comment