Gryllus locorojo Weissman & Gray, 2012 (Crazy Red Field Cricket)

California Pest Rating for

Gryllus locorojo Weissman & Gray, 2012 (Crazy Red Field Cricket)
Pest Rating: D


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Posted by tn

One thought on “Gryllus locorojo Weissman & Gray, 2012 (Crazy Red Field Cricket)”

  1. Thank you for your pest rating proposal. The entire genus Gryllus is included in Title 3, California Code of Regulations, Section 3558 (Insects which may be imported or shipped into or within California without a permit), sometimes referred to as the “exempt list.” At this time, the available information does not suggest that Gryllus locorojo would have significant impacts in California or impacts significantly different from the other species in the genus, which include species common in the United States (including California) and in the pet trade. Therefore, modification of Section 3558 does not appear justified. As this cricket is not regulated by the State of California, a “D” rating is appropriate.

    Thank you,

    Kyle Beucke
    Primary State Entomologist
    California Department of Food and Agriculture

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