Sahara Mustard | Brassica tournefortii

California Pest Rating for Brassica tournefortii Gouan. | Sahara mustard Pest Rating: C | Proposed Seed Rating: R PEST RATING PROFILE Initiating Event: This plant has been rated as “Q” by CDFA botany staff. History & Status: The genus Brassica comprises about 40 species and many agricultural cultivars such as cabbage, mustard, bok choi, brussel sprouts, canola, … Continue reading Sahara Mustard | Brassica tournefortii

desert knapweed: Volutaria tubuliflora

California Pest Rating for Desert knapweed: Volutaria tubuliflora (Murb.) Sennen Family: Asteraceae Pest Rating: A | Seed Rating: R   PEST RATING PROFILE Initiating Event: This plant has been rated as “Q” on the CDFA Plant Pest Rating list for 2 years.  History & Status: The genus Volutaria comprises plants in the thistle tribe (Cardueae) of … Continue reading desert knapweed: Volutaria tubuliflora


Paragraph Weeds are simply an unwanted plant in the wrong place, at the right time.  The weeds can directly and indirectly impact agricultural crops and are just as costly to the environment as any other unwanted species. Weeds are simply an unwanted plant in the wrong place, at the right time.  The weeds can directly … Continue reading Weeds