Inspection Services Blog

Nitrogen Management Training for Certified Crop Advisers

What: The University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources (UCANR) and the Fertilizer Research and Education Program (FREP) of CDFA are offering a one-and-a-half day Nitrogen Management Training to California Certified Crop Advisers (CCAs).

Why: CCAs play an essential role in helping farmers comply with California’s developing environmental regulations through thoughtful adaptation and reporting of nutrient management practices. The goal of this training is to reinforce CCAs’ understanding of sound nitrogen management practices and enhance their ability to make informed recommendations to growers. CCAs who complete this course are eligible to certify Nitrogen Management Plans for Central Valley growers. This is the eleventh CCA training session to be offered since 2014. During the previous four years, over 900 CCAs have participated in this program.

When: March 6-7, 2018

Where: 4584 W Jacquelyn Ave. Fresno, CA 93722

How: Register online through the CAPCA Ed website

Cost: $160

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