We are pleased to welcome Tom Bottoms and Suduan Gao to the Fertilizer Research and Education Program’s (FREP) Technical Advisory Subcommittee (TASC). TASC reviews and recommends research and education proposals for funding to the department’s Fertilizer Inspection Advisory Board.
Tom Bottoms
With a background in research, education, and now production, Dr. Tom Bottoms brings technical and applicable research expertise to TASC. Additionally, as a previous recipient of FREP funding, Dr. Bottoms understands the power of concise research that is supported by educational outreach and training.
Dr. Bottoms is a manager for Timothy and Viguie Farming, where he develops and oversees fertility and irrigation plans for a 5,000+ acre ranch with vegetable, orchard, and field crops. Previously, Dr. Bottoms worked for Dellavalle Laboratory and as a graduate student researcher at the University of California, Davis, under Dr. Timothy Hartz.
Suduan Gao
Dr. Suduan Gao has an extensive background in research and education. Some of her research interests include the nitrogen cycle, biochar, and management practices that increase water and nutrient use efficiency. Dr. Gao is also a FREP grant recipient who is researching the potential applicability of biochar in California agriculture.
Dr. Gao is currently a research soil scientist for the United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service in Parlier, California. Previously, Dr. Gao was an assistant research soil scientist with the University of California, Davis. Dr. Gao also participates in several professional agriculture organizations, including the American Society of Agronomy and the Soil Science Society of America.
For more information about TASC’s role in the FREP grant process, check out: https://blogs.cdfa.ca.gov/FREP/index.php/the-frep-grant-process/