Inspection Services Blog

Informational Videos Covering Fertilizer Application through Irrigation Water Now Available in English and Spanish

Through a grant from the Fertilizer Research and Education Program (FREP), Cal Poly’s Irrigation Training and Research Center (ITRC) has developed a series of informational videos covering chemicals, application hardware, techniques, and timing of fertilizer application through irrigation water.

The videos are based on information provided in the Fertigation book developed by ITRC and updated in 2019. The Fertigation book is also available in English and Spanish and can be downloaded for free from the ITRC website:

The 22 informational videos are available on YouTube or through the ITRC website and cover the following topics:

  1. Overview
  2. Basic Fertilizer Chemistry and Vocabulary
  3. Nitrogen and the Environment
  4. Basic Soil Principles
  5. Crop Fertilizer Requirements
  6. Testing of Plants Soil and Water
  7. Fertilizer Labels Characteristics and Usage
  8. Nitrogen Conversions
  9. Volatilization of Ammonia from Irrigation Water
  10. Irrigation System Uniformity and Efficiency
  11. Safety
  12. Purging Media Tanks of Chemicals
  13. Calibration, Titration, and Travel Time
  14. Varying Venturi Injection Rates
  15. Chemigation for Soil Infiltration Problems
  16. SO2 Generators (Sulfur Burners)
  17. Chemigation for Drip System Maintenance
  18. Incompatibility of Different Fertilizers
  19. Proportional Injection
  20. Fertilizer and Chemical Injection Devices
  21. Calibration of Fertilizer and Chemical Injectors

More Fertigation Resources Coming Soon

ITRC is developing the informational video series into a Fertigation Certificate Program available to the irrigation and fertilizer industry. The videos will be coupled with information and suggested readings from the Fertigation book to create a comprehensive online course. Course participation will be verified with an exam on the presented materials and successful participants will receive a certificate of completion.

Stay tuned for more information regarding the availability of the certification program.

To learn more about this project and other current and completed FREP projects please visit:

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