Inspection Services Blog

Fertigation Short Course


Specialized chemical injection system for agricultural irrigation applications

What: A one-day short course on fertigation is being offered by the Cal Poly Irrigation Training and Research Center (ITRC) with funding from the Fertilizer Research and Education Program (FREP) of the California Department of Food and Agriculture. The course covers new techniques in the control and application of fertilizers through irrigation systems and strategies to comply with new nitrogen regulations in California. A copy of the new edition of the ITRC fertigation manual is included with course. Participants will also receive up-to-date information on nitrogen fertilizers, challenges with phosphorus and potassium applications, growth enhancers, and organic-compliant ways to keep drip systems clean.

When: August 7, 8am-5pm

Where: Irrigation Training & Research Center

California Polytechnic State University

San Luis Obispo, CA 93407-0730

How: See course details or sign up at

Cost: $40


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