Inspection Services Blog

Demonstrating New Approaches to Almond Nitrogen Management

Project Title: Demonstration of a combined new leaf sampling technique for nitrogen analysis and nitrogen applications approach in almonds
Project Leaders: Patrick Brown, University of California, Davis; Blake Sanden, University of California Cooperative Extension, Kern County; Allan Fulton, University of California Cooperative Extension, Tehama County; David Doll, University of California Cooperative Extension, Merced County.
Project Status: Year 3 of 3

almond fruit growing on tree

Overview: This project is designed to promote the adoption of enhanced tools and approaches to nitrogen (N) management in almonds by demonstrating the performance of new N management protocols in contrast with traditional N management strategies.

Background: To provide growers with enhanced management tools, projects have been funded by the California Department of Food and Agriculture’s Fertilizer Research and Education Program and the Almond Board of California. These projects provided research on developing almond nutrient budgets and early leaf sampling techniques, and resulted in the development of two online based tools: and

While the development of new tools and information is essential to the industry, their impact is limited by grower adoption of new practices. To increase grower adoption of these tools and management practices, this project established four statewide demonstration projects and is hosting a series of field days.

Outreach: Throughout the month of March three field days will be held to promote the adoption of improved nitrogen and irrigation management practices for almond growers in California. The field days will feature topics such as soil and water testing, tissue sampling, fertigation, orchard recycling, and management tools available to growers.

The links below will direct you to the field day website to find detailed information on session topics, speakers, how to register, and directions to the field sites for each event.

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