Commercial Feed Regulatory Program - Blog

Monthly Archives: January 2024

Subscribe to Receive New Email Version of Quarterly Feed Update Newsletter – Previous Newsletter Archive Found Here

Beginning in 2024, the Commercial Feed Regulatory Program (CFRP) Quarterly Feed Update Newsletter will be modernized from a pdf file to an email newsletter sent to subscribers. The new Quarterly Feed Update will contain links to all blog posts, articles and updates from the previous quarter published individually to the CFRP Run of the Mill Blog. To receive email updates, …

Looking Back: CFRP 2023 Accomplishments

In 2023, the California Department of Agriculture’s (CDFA) Commercial Feed Regulatory Program (CFRP) continued work to ensure feed safety, food safety, and quality of commercial feed in California. Inspectors and staff met goals and embraced changes throughout the last year. Inspection and Sampling Meeting program and contract goals, CFRP obtained 747 total samples with an overall violation rate of 21% …