Inspection Services Blog

Category Archives: Other

Nitrate Quick Test

The nitrate quick test (NQT) is a cost-effective tool that can be used in nutrient management planning to determine the residual soil nitrate concentration. The results from the test can be used to improve fertilizer management and assist growers in accurately meeting crop needs. Here is an outline of the steps for preparing soil samples, conducting the test and calculating …

Role of Mineralization in Farming

California growers have taken on an important role in their state’s broader efforts on climate change, including responding to regulatory requirements to improve their nitrogen (N) use efficiency and reduce their environmental impact. To meet these regulations, while maintaining crop yield and quality, growers must consider all potential N sources, including organic amendments and irrigation water. It is essential that …

Approaching Research Data and Trials

The agriculture industry is continuously advancing and investing in new technologies and products, making it important to take a thoughtful and informed approach to planning and decision making. The following is a list of considerations to reference the next time you are looking at research results: 1. Data: If you are considering a new product or practice, do not be …

4R Nutrient Stewardship Research Fund Request for Pre-Proposals

Here is an announcement from the International Plant Health Institute (IPNI) that may be of interest to CDFA FREP stakeholders. The 4R Nutrient Stewardship Research Fund has released a request for pre-proposals to conduct field research and demonstration projects that evaluate and promote the economic, social, and environmental outcomes of 4R Nutrient Stewardship. 4R Nutrient Stewardship is an evidence-based approach …

FREP Field Day Guide

FREP created this guide to underscore the importance of outreach in research and education projects. Outreach is an essential complement to research, and varying your methods of dissemination can increase general understanding, impact, and response. View the FREP Field Day Guide.

Climate Smart Agriculture Webinar

The California Department of Food and Agriculture and the Ministry of Economic Affairs in the Netherlands present a joint webinar on Climate Smart Agriculture on July 7, from 9am to 11am. The webinar will provide perspective on the ability to produce crops in high-salinity conditions. Our saline agriculture experts include Arjen de Vos of Salt Farm Texel in the Netherlands, Don …

California Fertilization Guidelines and Brochures

The California Fertilization Guidelines on the FREP website have been expanded to include recommendations for 18 crops, representing more than half of the irrigated agriculture in California. The recent additional recommendations are for plums, peaches and nectarines. Potato recommendations are coming soon. Additionally, FREP is pleased to announce that tomato, strawberry, and almond fertilization guidelines are now available in Spanish …

Welcome to the FREP Blog

The Fertilizer Research and Education Program (FREP) has created this blog to give you the latest nutrient management news and information for California growers, advisors, researchers and agencies. Bringing Research into Practice To bridge the gap between research conclusions and farming practices in the field, FREP is engaged in several outreach and educational activities: The annual conference is the event …